Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Titleist Ap2 Knockoff

Ekumeniczne Dni Biblijne

Yesterday I had the pleasure to participate in an ecumenical celebration on the occasion of the Ecumenical Bible Days, organized by the Bible Society in Poland. Church service held in the Lutheran Parish of the Assumption. Beautiful reflections, related to the theme of this year's Days of the Bible, shared Margaret Platajs, director of Bible Society. This theme is: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).
Feast Of Warsaw Ecumenical Bible informs poster. Click to enlarge it. I encourage you to participate.

still remaining in the "Bible" - a handful of interesting thoughts and quotes:

Biblical celebration is to remind us that in the darkness that sometimes engulfed us, God hurry to our rescue through His Word. The thing is, we always awakens in the famine of the Word, reading the Bible to become our Christian habit.
Above all, we actually believe that they do not live by bread alone, but all the word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew. 4:4).
In zagonieniu everyday we have to find even a moment to lean forward over the Bible as the day when I picked up is not the Bible, is a day wasted. Fr. George Banek

Thy words, eat them, and Your word became to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. Jeremiah 15:16

Bible - the eternal truth and timeless beauty.

Word of God is the source of faith.

If your Bible is in excellent condition, then you probably are not.

If you do not have time to Bible reading, it means that poorly manage their time.

When you open the Bible - ask the author to open your heart.

Rational diet spiritual needs around the Word of God.

Bible is bread for each day, not cake for special occasions.

Bible is laid table, and not, like a tray of snacks.

Reading words without considering it is like food without chewing.

is good to know the Bible, but even better Author words contained therein.

The more we love God's Word, the more the love of God.

our usefulness to God depends on obedience to His Word.

Our faith is useless if you do not want to be obedient to the Word of God.

order not to deviate from the course, trust the reliable compass of God's Word.

condition of the real success is faithful to the procedure according to spiritual laws of the Bible.

conscience be our guide, only when guided by the Word of God.

real values \u200b\u200bin life are known only to those who read the Word of God desiring to fulfill God's will.

Do not bend the teachings contained in the Word of God to the situation in which we find ourselves.

little boy saw a large, dusty book on the top shelf in the room. Curiosity he was consumed him, so he ran to my mother, to ask what that is. Slightly embarrassed my mother, "she said hurriedly:" Oh, this is the Bible. The Bible, that God's book. The boy thought for a moment, then said: Mommy, if this is a book of God, why do not we give it to him? But with us she had not used?

Bible Society in Poland (CLICK )


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