Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dispose Greasy Cooking Water Sink

Macierzyństwo zmieni Twoje życie..

"Inspiring Mother's Day story "- the crowd. Wala Jarosz

myself sat at dinner, when suddenly my daughter munikowała anchored in me that just after her husband-were to become a full family. "This means reflect on this " - said jocular tone. "Do you think it's time for a child?" "It will change your life" - I said, barely mastering the shaking voice. "I know!" - answered - "End wysypiania on weekends, spontaneous trips to the end of the holiday, the end ..."

But, I'm totally not what I mean! I looked at her daughter, wondering what I have to say it. I wanted to become aware of things that do not learn it in school childbirth. I wanted to tell her that the physical wounds heal after childbirth, but the mother can trace her emotions so huge stigma that from that moment will always be susceptible to injury.

I was going to warn her that she would never again read a newspaper without asking the question: "What would happen if this happened to my child?" Every Airplane crash, every house fire, each case will terrified her. And when you see the pictures starving children, be wondered whether there might be something more cruel than to see the death of her child.

I watched her manicured nails and tasteful clothes, and I thought to myself that although searching now looks like it will become a mother, and so reduce it to a primitive level of Ursa protecting their young. One, suddenly approaching her scream: "Mama!" Then the pressure without a second thought soufflé or her most precious crystal.

I felt that I need to warn her that no matter how many years has devoted his life's career, it will become the mother entirely derail it with peeled tracks. Even if you leave your child under the excellent care, and so when an important business meeting, it will be all the time thinking about the sweet smell of your baby. There will be times when you will have to discipline yourself to the limits of its capabilities, so as not to run into the house. Just to see if her baby is doing well.

I wanted to get my daughter learned that every day decided subsequently ceases to be routine. Great dilemma proves that, when suddenly a boy of five McDonald's request to bring their men, and not to the ladies' room. Just here, between the trays full of food, and other screaming children, the matter needs independence and gender identity is contrasted with a terrifying prospect that was there, in the toilet, lurking pedophile ...

Looking at my attractive daughter, I wanted to it sure that when I finally succeed to lose its acquired during pregnancy weight, and so will never be the same. Her present life, now so important, will have a much greater value, when in her life will be a child. Will want to live only for their offspring, with the hope of many years of life, when he will be able to see that it is not her dreams come true, dreams come true but her children.

I wanted to know that a cesarean scar, or small birthmark becomes an honorary medal. The relationship my daughter and her husband also would change, but not in the way she imagines. So much I want to understand how strongly you can love a man who gently bathes her child, or have never denied having fun with it. I think you should know that fall in love with him again, but for reasons that may even now be regarded as a very unromantic.

I wanted to make my daughter feel a special bond with women who on the stage trying to stop the war, injustice, prejudice and drunk driving were against the killing of their children. I was hoping to finally understand why so rationally, I go to most aspects of life, but I get mad, when he discussed the threat of nuclear war for the life of my children.

I wanted to describe the joy of my daughter to accompany her child to learn cycling. I wanted to tell her how incredibly ridiculous is the view of the child who first touches of soft dog or cat fur. I wanted to tasted the joy that is so incredibly true.

Questionable look my daughter made me realize that my eyes filled with tears. "I never regret your decision," - I said finally. He leaned across the table to her, squeezed her hand and suggested prayers. Behind her, for myself and for all women under the sun, which have the greatest scruples before the adoption of the appointment - a blessed gift from God - to become a mother.


eyes to a lot of crying,
these lips, what a lot of praying,
Hearts, which suffered
Grant, Lord of strength.

hands, which hardened in the effort,
Feet, to fatigue,
thoughts that people laughed at
Give rest.

Let relax in a quiet secret,
We walk to the gates of eternity ...
... This give them joy for once in my life,
God of love.


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