Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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God or deity - the essence of the supernatural beings underlying foundations of most religions . It deals with the theology and philosophy and is considered to be the question of metaphysical - existential . Due to the large diversity of understanding this concept , it is difficult for unambiguous definition. As the most different from one another, you must extract the definitions used by the popular religions polytheistic and monotheistic , deism, pantheism and panentheism. Among monotheistic religions should be distinguished Trinitarian monotheism.
most commonly understood notion of god beings subject to the term religious . Sometimes the gods determined only some (most) of these beings, for others, reserving other terms ( demigods, heroes , saints, ancestral spirits, angels , etc.).
(Quoted from Wikipedia)

a Genesis 1.26-27 'And God said, Let us make man, in our image, like us ... So God created man in His own image. The image of God created he him. "

God did not need to create the world and the Big Bang was the inevitable consequence of the laws of physics - he writes in his latest book, renowned British physicist Stephen Hawking. In "The Grand Design (Major Project), written jointly with the American Leonard Mlodinowem.
"Because there are such laws, like gravity, the universe can and will create from nothing. Spontaneous formation is the reason that there is something rather than nothing, because there is a universe, we exist - by Hawking. - There is no need to engage God, to set fire to the fuse and made the universe began to act. "

Does science denies the existence of God?

There are only two alternative explanations of the universe and human existence: either a coincidence or plan. The American education system aggressively promotes this first view, excluding the possibility of a second. This blatant lie bombards us from all sides, and straight, and thanks to an ingenious suggestion. As a result, public opinion in its most scientists considered it s the fact that the universe is a closed system, which was born alone and that is evolving, and as was the case, it is meaningless and amoral. Although this had false already collected a tragic toll, it is associated with learning to be much more deceptive danger which multitudes of victims were already Christians.

many brilliant physicists of our century wygłaszało solemn warning against mixing science and religion. Einstein said: "The scientific theory has nothing to do with religion." Schroedinger said: "[Science] does not know anything about [...] good and evil, God and eternity."

Our faith in God is pokładaniem trust. We believe in His Son, who gives us salvation, in his word, that can instruct and correct us, and His Holy Spirit who directs us. Our faith in God should be absolute, because when you believe in God, we depend on a perfect, omnipotent, omniscient Creator. Our faith in science to be intellectual - and nothing else. We can count on is that science will solve many problems in a wonderful way, but we can also consider it a mistake. If we trust in science, we rely on the complete defect, sinful, limited mortal men. Science in history are often mistaken on many issues, such as the shape of the Earth, the flight control, vaccines, blood transfusions, and even reproduction. God has never been proved to be wrong.

Religion and science a second: I give a simple example ...
Masturbation is a mortal sin. Masturbation habit causes a lot of (often irreversible) damage, both physical (blindness, impotence, infertility ...) and spiritual (gradually getting stronger orientation towards hedonism, combined with remoteness from God). Like every addiction, as is masturbation Satan, therefore, a man of force may not be sufficient on its defeat. You have to entrust your problem in prayer to God and at the same time with all my strength to refrain from further falls. (...)
From the viewpoint of biology, human development, masturbation plays an important function. It is one of two ways to discharge sexual tension when it is not possible during sexual intercourse. The second are the wet dreams NIGHT, that is, involuntary ejaculation of semen in a dream. This feature is particularly important in the case of boys whose sexual desire is great, and the possibility of their discharge during intercourse.
not assess which of these sites is right. But I think every thinking man himself will draw the appropriate conclusions.

the last millennium takes long, slow process known as faith. It can not be crossed out in opposition to him the question that will confuse the method of knowledge of science with faith, because the object of knowledge of science does not include God.
may therefore consider whether it is not so that we have two games. And as it is in games Each has its own rules. That what is right and correct one, is not true and correct in the second.

Do you like losing someone when a loved one dies, the world collapses on his head, after all, the deceased leaves a part of us.

death, though it is part of life, always induces a shock. The most severe losses can not be rationalized, we are powerless against it. Prior to the experience of death can not escape it, but if you can learn to live mourning? Can and should be. Only accept loss of life will find meaning in life in the new situation, open to the world and fill the void of the deceased.

Often people, especially non-believers cite the argument that they do not want to know
God who:
- he had to kill thousands of people, including children (stories from the Old Testament)
- created hell, where people are unbelievers will suffer torment for eternity
- led to the war and the Holocaust
- allows for massive dying children in Africa and other suffering
- created the bacteria and viruses that cause disease

They believe that if God existed, it would not be so cruel .
Even some Christians have a problem with the explanation of why God, who
loves people, allow such a thing.
just why God is so? How do you explain that? Are we able to
understand this?

Why allow suffering and death of young, innocent people?
Why do people have cancer? Why do earthquakes destroy entire cities? Why do people have to work in a sweat to barely earn a living family?

If infinitely good God would not allow people to suffer so bad if it were, the world would not be good ... Is it possible that God was a little bit good, a little angry and playing with us, creating and directing our lives?

I think everyone has to suffer a little in my life, but I do not know why in some form this simple flu, while in others, terrible suffering ...
There's a whole mass of materials which undermine the existence of God and of Jesus himself. Zeitgeist ranging from physicists to articles ... My approach to the subject from a distance and the principle that it is better to believe, because maybe something is there ..
we go through life with God or without God. But I will go with God and you ?


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