Friday, December 5, 2008

What Brings On Sudden Car Sickness

Barakatak-Duka Teuing

Duka Teuing"

Duka teuing kunaon
Mun nempo anu demplon
Teu bisa miceun panon
Sok hayang geura leleson

Duka teuing kunaon
Meuni bun ceuli panon
Noong anu keur ocon
Sok hayang milu ka enggon
Duka teuing kumaha
Meuni asa kabita
Nempo bitis nu geulis
Ngadadak sok panas tiris

Duka teuing palaur
Heureuy jeung anak batur
Ocon diluhur kasur
Katewak di cereg tuur

Duka teuing ceuk saha
Mun hayang ka si eta
Ngomong tong hare hare
Dijamin pasti dibere

Duka teuing ku saha
Da kuring teu rumasa
Can kawin geus eusian
Budakna euweuh bapaan
Duka teuing ku aneh
Siga istri nu sholeh
Aya ku lebar teuing
Sok ngalayab unggal peuting

Duka teuing ku heran
Ngaku masih parawan
Tapi teu kanyahoan
Tos loba nu ngaraosan

"" Mugi-mugi migunani kagem panjenengan sedoyo Amien....

Best Rosacea Moisturizer

Nining M - Rame Rame

Rame Rame ""

Hayu batur rame rame
Hayu urang suka bungah
Galumbira gotong royong
Sauyunan digarawe babarengan

Ulah sok loba catur
Sok komo lamun bari ngomongkeun batur
Hilangkeun pangangguran
hayuurang ciptakeun pangwangunan
Hee pangwangunan
Hee sistem keamanan
Jeung lingkungan
Eta hiji kawajiban
Program keluarga berencana
Cukup boga anak dua
Dukung kabersihan
Kasehatan jeung pendidikkan
Lingkungan urang
Hee hayu dukung
Hee babarengan

Hayu batur rame rame
Hayu urang suka bungah
Galumbira gotong royong
Sauyunan digarawe babarengan

Ulah sok loba catur
Sok komo lamun bari ngomongkeun batur
Hilangkeun pangangguran
hayuurang ciptakeun pangwangunan

Hee pangwangunan
Hee sistem keamanan
Jeung lingkungan
Eta hiji kawajiban
Program keluarga berencana
Cukup boga anak dua
Dukung kabersihan
Kasehatan jeung pendidikkan
Lingkungan urang
Hee hayu dukung
Hee babarengan

Wassalam sedulur sedoyo ""

What They Used To Wear In The 50

Nining M- Peuyeum Bandung

Peuyeum Bandung ""

Di mana mana
Di kampung di kota
Tos ka koncara
Ku nikmat rasana

Sampeu asalna
Teu di reka reka
Naon namina
Duh matak kabita

Peuyeum Bandung kamashur
Pangaosna teu luhur
Ku sadaya ka galeuh
Sepuh jeung murangkalih

Mangga cobian
Bilih panasaran
Peuyeum ti Bandung
Henteu sambarangan

Di mana mana
Di kampung di kota
Tos ka koncara
Ku nikmat rasana

Sampeu asalna
Teu di reka reka
Naon namina
Duh matak kabita

Peuyeum Bandung kamashur
Pangaosna teu luhu
Ku sadaya ka galeuh
Sepuh jeung murangkalih

Mangga cobian
Bilih panasaran
Peuyeum ti Bandung
Henteu sambarangan
Peuyeum ti Bandung
Henteu sambarang-an

Syair wonten ing inggil maniko ngagem bahasa Sunda.
Pesen "" istilah ngagem bahasa menopo kemawon boten masalah, Sejatosipun masalah wonten ing maknanipun.

Wassalam ........sedulur sedoyo mugi-mugi Shang Hyang Maha Agung paring kaweruhan mring kita sedoyo.

Fan Light Night-light Wire


Ilir - Ilir""

Mation-ilir, winch-ilir tandure WUS sumilir
Tak ijo Royo-Royo not senggo temanten newer
angon Cah-cah angon penekno blimbing Kuwi
Lunyu-lunyu penekno kanggo mbasuh dodotiro

Dodotiro dodotiro kumitir bedhah-ing edge of
Dondomono jrumatono kanggo SEBO co afternoon
Mumpung padhang rembulane Mumpung jembar kalangane
surako Yo ... surak Hiyo

translation in Indonesia is approximately as follows: Come up (from sleep), the crops have started to sprout, so

green like a new bride
O shepherds, take the fruit blimbing,
even smoother still climb to wash clothes

These clothes have been torn Avert
Sew and benahilah to
While facing this afternoon was bright moon, while being a lot of free time
Come let's rejoice ...

these poems mean something like this:

Wake up, wake up kealam new thinking. Look at the plants begin to sprout it.
(Plants that started to sprout is a seed of faith. In the nature of God is filling every human being with the seeds of goodness. Stay there who care for human beings and some are ignored.) ""

Green is the color symbol Islamic religion which was its emergence as a new bride and very interesting.

likened rulers as shepherds of the 'herd' people. The rulers were advised to 'take' religion of Islam
(denoted with a star fruit has a pentagon shape to represent the pillars of Islam).
Although the slick, hard, but get yourself in order to enter Islam in order to purify dodot.
(Dodot is a type of Javanese traditional clothes are often worn magnifying earlier times. For the Javanese, religion is like the clothes, then dodot used as a symbol of religion or belief).

clothes, (that) your religion has been corrupted then jahitlah (fix), the protection in thy face.
While there are bright lights that guide you, while still alive and still have a chance to repent.
Cheer up, hopefully you get the grace of God ....

pesen so "" sami sumonggo nggladhi sejatining Jiwo our Rogo sedoyo lan. Pambentennipun manungsa setunggal kalihan lentunipun Mugi-Mugi damel Boten pamisahing Dulur. Matur

Sumbahnuhun .........

Sermons 1st Corinthians 12:12

Bald Bald Pacul

"bald-bald hoe cul-nyunggi gembelengan
nyunggi place is made up kul gembelengan
place is made up glempang segone Fibreous dadi dadi
place is made up glempang segonde Fibreous"

Approximately meaning as below

bald = no hair, not black> spotless, no earthly passion, not afraid to die, do not need a good name;
dissimulation gembeleng => arrogant, nganggap trivial, riya, ujub
nyunggi = manggul> hold, maintain
place is made up = something heavy, made of stone> trust God, trust to live
sego = white, a staple food> sacred, human nature;
sertan saratan opo? ngeti neh kalo not this one, more or less scattered times yes;
if strung together, the essence of this song could be interpreted as a satire, for most people who wasted amnahnya 'for what' life;
or can also interpreted, someone who considers his credit good only to see that charity is good, but escaped the attention align and purify the intention, but this is something essential and important; in one word mentioned about the good deeds qudsi man who rejected when faced with God, because it is not so, while the perpetrators are not aware of like not aware of a black ant walking on the black stone of a dark night;
or, a little-known hadith "Innama amalu bi intent" (a charity that depends on the intention) ;
the feeling clean shaven with a bald, (maybe), so time 'nyunggi place is made up', 'gembelengan' finally 'sego dadi saratan';
someone who did good, feel safe because of good deeds, finally off guard, and the devil entered kehatinya, then the value of charity is
pesen so "go-dunia.blogspot" Mugi-Mugi we Saget nggladhi piwulangan wonten inggil "Amie".

Monday, December 1, 2008

Can You Get A Waiver For Eczema In The Army

*Caranipun Chatting (Ngobrol) ngagem Yahoo Messenger

::: Maos Bassmalah :::

1. Panjenengan unduh rumien Master Yahoo Messenger
2. Lajeng Panjenengan instal YM ipun wonten ing komputer
3. Panjengan musti sabar pasrah mring pengeran amargi sakmangke meniko seradi dangu
4. Pun ngeten kemawon Panjenengan sakniki damel kopi kalih camilah supados seradi santai.
5. Nak sampun samangke []Panjengan cobi lebetaken email lan password Yahoo.
6. Sampun ?... Nak Sampun Saget [Sukses]

::: Maos Hamdalah :::


Lha saumpamane Panjenengan nggadahi karep ngagem ID luwih saking setunggal.Panjenengan saget mersani langkah-langkah ing andap

Caranipun inggih meniko :
1. Panjenengan mlebet (registry editor) ngagem cara klik tombol Start - Run. Ketik regedit sakmangke penek enter.
2. Mlebet ing key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\Test.
3. Wonten panel siseh tengen, klik tengen lan pilih menu New - DWord Value.
4. Ketik Plural.
5. Klik 2x wonten ing Plural lan dipun isi kalihan ongko 1 (satu).
6. Medal saking registry editor.

Pesan saking
Sak derenge panjenengan cobi maos Bassmalah....
Pripun ?.....Sukses nopo dereng ?.... Nak
nggih "Maos hamdalah"