Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strabismus Surgery Effective

good book

Hanna Pasterny

Born in 1979. Blind from birth. When she was five years old, started education in a center for the blind in Laski near Warsaw. She went there for kindergarten and primary school. The next step was to Ursuline High School in Rybnik. As he writes: I chose them because of the high level, strong emphasis on learning foreign languages \u200b\u200band promoted the value of . In 1998. received a badge Serviam (I will serve), granted to outstanding graduates urszulińskich. She graduated in Romance philology and postgraduate speech therapy. He works as a consultant on disabled people in the Association of Social Initiatives Development Center in Rybnik. Is a social assistant Europarliament chairman, Professor Jerzy Buzek, a volunteer at the Deaf and Blind Aid Society, author of the book "How to białą laską zdobywałam Belgię” . W roku 2009 za aktywność społeczną otrzymała wyróżnienie Lady D . Więcej na jej stronie internetowej . Mieszka w Jastrzębiu Zdroju w województwie śląskim.

„Tandem w szkocką kratkę” , Hanna Pasterny, Wydawnictwo „Credo”, Katowice, 2010r.
To druga książka Hanny Pasterny. Opisuje ona historię niezwykłego spotkania autorki z Helen Halpern (pseudonim), suffers from Asperger's syndrome professor at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Against the backdrop of the cooperation between the two ladies on a project for people with disabilities. Two extreme temperaments. Two different dysfunctions. The clash of cultures and worldviews. Jewish fervent devotion in a meeting with Catholic tradition, kosher and vegan vs. mięsożerność ... and many other contradictions lead to a not-likely circumstances weaves, rich in situational humor. All this suddenly turns into friendship, intimacy, acceptance and understanding. Margaret Musierowicz, writer, says of this book: is a unique, refreshing and authentic record of the unfolding of the difficult and beautiful friendship. Optimistic and joyful, yet full of depth sensitivity of the story of a wise goodness, which can extract from the deepest loneliness neighbor

- ... remember that much I like you.
Hearing my words, Helen burst into tears. I was surprised by the vehemence of their response.
- What happened?
- It is rare that someone accepts me. I know that it is difficult to be with me. I was lucky that I met you.
Harder hugged her. Was moved.
- I was lucky that I met you.

If you want to live, do not stop your life for yourself, it needs to stroke the other banks and irrigate other lands. Michel Quoist

Info radio emission (intelligence), recorded by me from Hanna Pasterny: CLICK .


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